adbit banner Review: Scam or Legit?

Earn Bitcoin by surfing websites ad get paid directly to your wallet.

Status (24th of July):

We’ve moved AdBit to the scam section since the site does not longer exist.

How to earn on AdBit?

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Earning is not hard on AdBit, you need to surf websites in order to earn satoshis. There are two ways you can earn on the site. The first is using the “Surf ads” option where you earn by leaving the site open in the background until the timer runs out. The second option is using “Active window ads”, here you’ll earn while staying on the page.

A good thing about AdBit is that you can see how many ads there are and the total you can earn today.


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You can also advertise your website(s) on AdBit. You can start a campaign from as low as 11 satoshis per view. The minimum watch time is 15 seconds for 11 satoshis. If you want 30 seconds, you’ll need to pay an extra 10 satoshis per view. You can do this for up to 1 minute which will cost you an extra 30 satoshis per view.

Note that every advertisement needs approval before it’s published.


You can withdraw your earnings once you have reached 40.000 satoshis. The payment will be sent to your Bitcoin Wallet.


AdBit is listed as a scam site.
